Who made friends here at devrant?
Cuz I made none and I would love to have some Dev friends over the world.... πŸ˜„

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    @rutee07 πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ no wonder why you have 15k++
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    @Floydian the ++'s surely shows how much people are putting their frustration on you...πŸ˜‚
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    Hey, @Frederick, my dude! What's up? We really need to find some time for that coffee... You owe me one for "last time"...

    @Floydian Bullshit can be valuable... Sometimes.

    @rutee07 Thanks, dad.
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    @Alice that's great, I hope I make some friends on devrant πŸ˜„
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    @rutee07 I told you to keep it in your pants πŸ™„

    @Floydian well fuck you then. no you're alright, most of the time πŸ˜‰

    @Frederick really?

    @Jilano πŸ™ƒhey friend

    @Alice oh I know you

    @NitinSahu everyone knows everyone around here.
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    @dotneterror let's start getting connected with each other... πŸ˜‚

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    @dotneterror Sure man!πŸ˜‚ Take Care, since you mentioned hospital
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    @Alice try giving a chance to me. 😜
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    @Frederick wait, then how do you find all my stuff?

    You stole my time machine didn't you? 😏
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    @Frederick I was wondering where I let that thing parked, but no you go and steal it.

    I can relate to that, devrant fills in a whole lot of time at work, and yet I'm seen as "productive"
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    @C0D4 Hello! It is I!

    @Alice You should definitely send him a faulty toaster.

    @Floydian Does it depend on the timeline? Are we in the right one? Have you watch the movie I recommended prior to visiting Australia?
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    @Alice 😱liquid cooling iToaster, you're a genius!

    Back to the drawing board i go.
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    @Alice *drops a roll of notes down this hole* it seems to be raining at your place πŸ˜…

    Now if we add water cooling to the Rpi4, tie down a robotic arm that can add bread to the toaster and a small api for voice activation and arm/toaster/ timing control, we should be on to something.
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    @Alice When it sounds professional, it must be true.

    @C0D4 In case you weren't sure how to contact Alice, you just need to put on your pink underwear and run around on your balcony screaming her name.
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