
TLDR, Fuck Electron

I love VSCode but damn I wish it wasn’t electron, same with discord and every other electron based application.

Also fuck those people that put TLDR at the bottom ITS SUPPOSED TO BE A SUMMARY IF YOU DONT WANT TO READ FUCK YOU

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    @theKarlisK too long don’t read or something like that, but I see what you mean I just wish we had that kind of engine or environment (whatever you would call electron) but that’s Python or C/C++ or just something that isn’t fucking JavaScript combined with chromium, is actually prefer Java in the situation tbh
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    You just wanted to replaces JS with Python, what kind of fucking maniac are you?
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    @metamourge kinda maniac that hates chromium
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    That's understandable, but still.
    Python can be arguably worse than JS.
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    @metamourge it’s always possible Yknow, it just depends on the task/application
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    I like vsCode.
    I hate electron, but not quite enough to dislike vsCode.
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    @theKarlisK yes its To long; didn't read. It originated from people replying it to long most of the times ill constructed posts.

    It's meant as a short summary to see if its worth reading the whole post.
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    @Codex404 oh I didn’t know that I was told it was don’t read.
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    To be fair... Electron apps are a great thing. Why? Because it saves time and companies can deploy their apps everywhere. That said... It still needs some improvements until it can be enjoyable.

    You can work with them but they eat your shit up so fast...
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    @potata if it didn’t eat so fucking much I would have zero problems
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    @Bubbles You see, it's a new thing. It needs optimization and it should be good. For now... We just have to deal with it...
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    @potata it’s all I can do
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    it's "too long; DIDN'T read," but you haven't seen how long the rest of the message is if it's at the top so maybe it's not long enough to be "too long"
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    If your pc can't handle an electron app in 2019 its your fucking problem - go buy another 8gb of ram, its pretty cheap
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    @ObiSwagKenobi Yeah... tell that to people that recently bought a pc with SOLDERED rams.
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    @potata Well, they shouldn't. So its their fucking problem.

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    @ObiSwagKenobi You may never know what you get actually :) I've had a case where I went to a dealer and specifically asked for a PC with slotted rams (they offered only 8GB variant...). You know what? They still sold me a soldered one. Of course, I got back and returned it but... You may never know :)
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    For the last point, blame Reddit.
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    Sublime? Or even better, Vim!
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    @ObiSwagKenobi my computers more than enough, I just don’t think it needs to eat like fat Albert
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    @Bubbles this is not mine but it's pure awesomeness
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    @1337M0nst3r not a fan of Vim, but this looks fucking amazing
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    @1337M0nst3r not my style for theme but besides that it’s baller
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    @Bubbles check out r/vimporn it has lots of amazing themes
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    @1337M0nst3r I’ve seen some pretty great vim setups
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    @potata if you're buying Apple* you're either rich enough to also drive a lambo, so get the extra ram when getting the mac, or why are you developing with an Apple machine? Vscode is not an alternative to xcode, so if you're stuck with apple because you are targeting their platforms, then stick with xcode, or fire up the Apple machine only to build the app if you're developing an hybrid app.

    * Yes, I'm assuming that the only assholes soldering the ram to the motherboard are those suckers at Apple. If someone else is doing it I don't even bother knowing they exist
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    @josap That's a bald statement to be fair, but sure, I'll justify why I'm using an apple product :)

    1. It was bought in 2015
    2. At the time, nobody had better battery life (not even close to the same to be fair).
    3. Nobody had a normal trackpad you can use day to day
    4. Nobody was that portable.

    Now... I'll let that sink in for you and tell that now - I would not buy an apple device since there are other manufacturers with nice notebooks.

    As for soldered ram.... MSI did it, LG did it, DELL did it, HP did it.... Every once in a while - other manufacturers do that too. So yeah.... Especially in ultrabooks - I don't expect to have unsoldered ram.
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    @potata yeah I see your point, I also was on a MBP from 2012, waited forever for a viable replacement from Apple and finally gave up. I went for a NUK skull canyon (desktop) and a HP laptop (just for mobility, but I'm often at the desk), and I still spent less than a new MBP with comparable power..
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    @josap Yeah but for me personally, desktop wouldn't work since I'm mostly on the move so... Different criteria was needed :)
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