
Resetting Windows takes forever!

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    @Haxk20 I want to use Windows so not really.
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    @LMagnus why not format? Unless databackup is a tough option, I usually keep my data on different partition so don't really care tbh
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    @FrodoSwaggins I've never really been into the whole Windows vs Linux thing. I've used both over the years and they both have their pros and cons.

    My current setup is Windows with WSL as it gives me the best of both worlds in my opinion. Sure others will disagree with that opinion but whatevs.
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    Installing {{ distro }} is much quick...

    Oh nvm the linux jokes have already been made
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    I’ve spend the last hour on an Office suite rebuild. It’s not my area but I broke it and I will fix it.
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    @alexbrooklyn yeah I'm not using Linux so such comments kind of miss the point. Bit like if I say I'm having X issue in JavaScript and someone says but it's easy in C#.
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    @LMagnus have you tried using jQuery?
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    @FrodoSwaggins don't be so harsh, Linux isn't that bad.
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    @jurion also Blazor
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