Was trying to find the option for sharing a video with start at specific time.. accidentally stumbled uppon this.. was pissed at first for hiding start at option, but found this, so now I am mildly happy and amused..

  • 1
    Haha yeah... Found the timestamp thing? It's below the video.
  • 2
    These stats have been there for a very long time, IIRC even before they started testing the HTML5 player. As for the time, it's there, in the context menu, or you can append "?t=XmYs" to the URL (where X denotes minutes and Y - seconds, also works with just seconds).
  • 0
    @kamen hahha yeah, probably.. last time I tried right click on video was ages ago, when browser context menu poped up 🤣

    Tried m s thing, didn't work, probably should have skipped leading zeros grom example I found..
    Seconds work ok..
    And for the menu, I found it, was just surprised about the nerd thingy xD

    I usually got the 'from time' option to set when I clicked on share button, now it's gone..
  • 1
    @ScriptCoded below where? Usually was below on the share window, now I don't have it anymore?

    Anyhu, found that right click now does wonders on yt, so still able to mouse/copy things..
  • 1
    Great Spirit - great song
  • 1
    You have good taste.
  • 0
  • 1
    I like your music choice
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