
Around 45 days ago after years of burnout and abuse I finally quit my job when I finally realised that all the promises of greener pastures and reinforcements were nothing but tales of sugar candy mountain.

I had no idea where or what I wanted to work on or even have any leads for work but I knew if I kept recursively burning out soon there wouldn't be anything left of me to give.

Flashforward 45 days and I am the proud owner of Sane software solutions which I am currently the only full time employee of.
My old company has become my customer since no one else knows the legacy system, 11 days after quitting their invoice exceeded my previous salary with a quarter of the work and I just landed an awesome contract with some engineers I feel privileged to listen to working on some neat IOT stuff, I've quadrupled my income and now work an 8 hour day.

Don't be despondent, there are better things in life to bleed for than another mother fuckers ambitions ✌

  • 3
    super nice! so you could even hire some one now and work even less?
  • 3
    Great news to hear best of luck man :D
  • 3
    @heyheni yeah but I'm planning on keeping it small though like never larger than a single team. I'm actually about to outsource a bunch of rest apis to a dev friend so that I can tackle some higher paying low level services.
  • 3
    This mother fucker.
    You sir are a hero unto us all!
    *Slow clap*
    I salute thee!
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