we have 4 options when come to Windows 10 development
+ Windows 32 API
+ WinForm
the best performance would be Windows 32 API but really painful when maintaining
but game like League Of Legends have complex logic still accomplish so I think they also create their own OOP pattern

  • 6
    You also have the option of using stuff like QT. But stay away from winforms
  • 6
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  • 3
    You can always create your own abstraction layer to decouple the OS parts from the application logic. So you can change the lower parts independently.

    In fact, if the project becomes big, this is always a good idea, you can never rely on persistence of external components (although Win32 API is really rock solid in this regard)
  • 5
    I'm so happy you didn't say electron 😂
  • 0
    So by win32 you don't mean wpf/winforms? Btw i prefer uwp as long is possible use it (in most cases)
  • 1
    There's also directX if you really want performance.
  • 0
    Win32 > everything else. Not because it's good but because everything else is trash
  • 0
    @dontbeevil those are the framework build on top of win32
    if you feel like those things ain't suit for your need WIN32 always better.
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