
It's 35 degrees. Reviewing pull requests or finding a beer garden was the easiest decision of my career.

  • 1
    You would die where I live my man.
  • 1
    Depends on the context, Fahrenheit? Your balls will freeze. Celsius? Your balls will sag.
  • 0
    @ColdFore the ball sagging one.
  • 0
    @AleCx04 only if there are no beer gardens
  • 0
    @LMagnus ;________; there aren't any. Send help ;_____; rn its 32° and it feels nice compared to the fucking +38 we get on the daily.

    We got bars and taverns, but no beer gardens with nice craft brews ;_; i hate it here but i get got money
  • 0
    @AleCx04 sounds tough going, my sympathies.
  • 2
    @LMagnus thanks, and sorry for all the misspelled words. I fucking hate typing on a phone.
  • 1
    0° -> fairly cold outside
    100° -> fairly warm outside

    0° -> fairly cold outside
    100° -> dead

    0 -> dead
    100 -> dead
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