I wonder if am the only one who feels like using another language/framework would magically fix my inability to think outside the box.

  • 2
    How would doing that influence your own thinking? 🤔
  • 1
    Not saying it does, but usually feels like it could.
  • 1
    Meh, not really, it just allows you to not know specifically what you're doing and therefore think less on what you can do and more about how to do what you want to do
  • 1
    If you switch programming paradigm it might work!
  • 3
    I recently switched from 8 years of PHP to C# and just finding myself in 🎵a whole new wooorld🎵 caused to think outside of both the PHP and C# boxes. My team lead often commends the unique solutions I come up with.
  • 0
    @radsectors Nice, so it does work in some instances.
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