A programmer's wife sends him in a grocery store with instructions "Get a loaf of bread, and if they have eggs, get a dozen". He comes back with a dozen loaf of Bread and Tells her "They had eggs"

  • 3
    Cringe af lol

    Welcome to dR
  • 3
    Surely, if he followed the logic, he should have brought back 13 loaves.
  • 1
    🤦‍♂️I'm done!
  • 2
    It's funnier in Spanish. “Si tiene huevos” can be translated as “if he has eggs” as well as “if he has the balls”, so it sounds like he's daring the baker to give him a dozen loafs of bread.

    Here's it in full:

    — ¿Qué haces con doce barras de pan?

    — Es que fui a la panadería y le dije al panadero “deme por favor una barra de pan, y si tiene huevos deme una docena”.
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