
Just pulled the trigger on a Librem 5 pre-order. I'm super excited. Android was getting shittier with every release, and ios is even worse(to me), so I was getting distraught about my next phone.

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    Never heard that before. Thank you!

    Reference for others - https://puri.sm/products/librem-5/
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    Sorry I didn't provide any context! There's been lots of conversation about here and elsewhere in the tech world, so I figured no explanation was necessary.
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    They announced the specs yesterday, and while some are ho-hum(3GB RAM, 32GB storage), others are goddamned brilliant. The 3500 mAh replaceable battery is clutch. It's not android, so the 32GB might actually be alright. I seldom use that much on any linux machines I have, and there is an sdcard slot for any storage-fatty data like media.

    I'd be elated beyond words if it was 5" or smaller, but even as it is, I'm stoked.
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    More curious about the software than anything else. Great and all that's linux based and privacy orientated, but if the experience is piss poor and only appeals to the nerds it will be nothing more than a niche product.
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    I'm cool with niche products. It would be delightful if this phone saw widespread appeal, but I'm just excited to have a native linux environment to work on in my pocket.
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