Learning C was easier than learning Haskell, and learning C was atrocious.
What in the actual fuck is this?

  • 2
    I've had a very hard time to go through the official tutorial of learning Haskell. I just can't get it into my brain 😂
  • 6
    I C your point
  • 2
    Haskell can be a bit difficult to get started with yes. This might help (you can ignore the anti-Haskell Platform bit)
  • 1
    @RememberMe The stuff there is so much better than the original website tutorial, wow.
  • 1
    @irene Pointers! To name one thing!
  • 0
    @irene Numbers themselves are good, I mean I can count. But if the want to tell me something thats makes no sense to me, I suffer!
  • 5
    @JFK422 you could try reading up on some computer organization and architecture first. Pointers are trivial after that, since C is basically just a thin layer over assembly and very easy to understand if you have a good mental model of the hardware.
  • 2
    Haskell is like japanese for me. I can't even read it.
  • 1
    Learning what compiler does with symbols and what is linker gives C/C++ more sense.
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    Haskell is a *fantastic* language to learn. It forces you to think functionally, and the ability to switch to a functional way of thought is pretty critical in modern development.
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    @irene why bother when you can recreate Prolog inside Haskell - even as an embedded DSL if you really want. You get to deal with both TemplateHaskell and logic programming, what a win!
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    @irene I didn't see your comment.

    The most confusing stuff with C for me was simply the sheer count of methods. For example concatenating two char arrays wasn't as easy as simply using a +.
    So, basically just learning how it's all done on the lower levels.
  • 1
    @PrivateGER isn't that actually easier? There's nothing hidden, you know exactly what's going on in every single line of code, there are no hidden allocations, object creations and destruction, etc. Well written C code is pretty clean while being very explicit about what you're doing. You can also use a naming convention like ModuleName_FunctionName (eg. SDL2's SDL_CreateWindow() function) to help organise things.
  • 0
    @irene prolog is not hard at all. Is basically a language build to describe problems to a backtracking engine.
  • 0
    @irene it's only backwards if you think as you'll think in other languages.

    Normal imperative languages are designed to work with a von neuman machine.

    Prolog is designed to work with a logic engine.

    Postcript is made so that you can talk to a stack manager. BTW learning postcript is fun.

    You need to understand the underlying machine, just as in C. It might not be an actual machine, but a logic engine, stack manager or what have you.
  • 0
    @irene ☹️. Well, who needs prolog anyways 🤣
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