
Waiting for a answer or comment on my stackoverflow question for more than 10 minutes...

...never felt that much rejection by mankind before

  • 1
    Did not commit suicide yet...so no
  • 0
    Post link, might get answer from fellower ranter?!
  • 5
    Take a deep breath and chill out. This means one of three things. 1: your question is bad, 2: people are actually at work doing their jobs instead of yours, 3: you are reaching the point where you are a real developer, and your questions are actually good - and no one can answer them. 3 is the worst. So, things are good! Ask questions early and often - and don't wait around for the answer. Move on to another part of the project for a day - and if you are lucky - you'll get a useful response. Also, consider codementor or actually paying someone to help you.
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