
God I hate it when devs complain about not having a decent job 😠 And then they're like "Oh, I've been looking for the past 6 months, but every company just ignores me"

Look, hate to be the one to break it to you, but companies are constantly searching for devs, and many companies have such shortage of quality devs, they'll take just about anyone with even remotely relevant skills as long as they have a decent attitude. If you can't find a decent job in this market, well, it's either that nobody needs a dev who spent the last 10 years doing basic UI and simple NodeJS apps, or they don't want a dev who loudly shits on new technologies while acting like their GitHub profile is impressive enough.

  • 4
    Although I agree attitude could pose a problem, isn't there a possibility some devs live in either third-world or unfortunate countries that don't have a high demand for devs?
  • 0
    I hate to be the one to break it to you, but the only shortage is with devs who have a PhD, 20 years of industrial experience but not older than 30 who are willing to work unlimited overtime for less than a supermarket cashier gets. Oh and who are diverse, i.e. black lesbian disabled women.

    Market economy means supply, demand, price. If demand exceeds supply, price should rise until enough demanders stop demanding so that supply meets the remaining demand.

    The last 10 years however have NOT seen dev salaries spiking, so there is no dev shortage.
  • 1
    This post tells me that you've spent most (all?) of your life either nearby a major US city, or in Western Europe. Did I get it right?
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