
Waiting for Unity to recompile code after some small change is excruciating...

  • 1
    Try unreal engine for change 😀 unity is smooth like a wind in comparison
  • 0
    @dotFuck Is it really? I've never tried it.
  • 1
    *laughs in Godot*
    Though native dev in Godot is equally painful
  • 1
    Compiling a bit of c# never beats compiling a fuckload o C++ 😀 even when you change only constant value for example
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    @RememberMe Yuck, name Godot makes my skin crawl. Bad experiences. I don't like Python.
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    @dotFuck Yeah, true. We are making an app that, when built for deployment, first is compiled by IL2CPP. It takes around 30 minutes. Then, we must launch created Cpp project and build it for the next 30 minutes. <3
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