I've been using DDG now for quite a while and as most of you that did too, I enjoyed it for most of the ride, though me and many others that I recommended the duck to, had themselves using the "!g" bang much more than it was worth to be using DDG.

It's amazing for "most" things, like a quick search and especially code related questions, thanks to the stackoverflow embeds, but it still sucks at search results for those other searches.

Just recently I've hit startpage again, they were quite awkward to use imho in the past, but they did an entire redesign and have added advanced options which are nearly non existent in google anymore without knowing the secret konami code to access e.g. "in-title".

So now I am switching between DDG and Startpage and thought I'd share, because finally there's a proper way to ditch google (except if you want some very localized results or use a lot googles in results math {which DDG can too, just not startpage}).

It easily integrates into most browsers too and on android you can just make use of the custom search engine adding in firefox mobile.

Qwant was another option I thought to use, but startpage simply proxies the google results, which were literally the fallback issue for so long - Qwant iirc runs their own and also is often times pretty laggy on mobile from my testing.


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