What if you submerged a raspberry pi in epoxy except for the ports?

  • 6
    you get a poted raspi?
  • 9
    Raspberry Pi Preserves
  • 12
    You'd get a cooling and thus stability problem unless you underclock the system considerably.

    Otherwise, coating populated PCBs is common for applications that require moisture resistance.
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  • 1
    I wasn't really being serious, but thanks :) I might try it on a Raspberry Pi zero
  • 3
    @TheOneFuzzyBit my car has coil fully covered in epoxy. It's fully humidity resistant, but at the same time it's unrepairable.
    Your rpi will be fine, but you'd better attach a good heatsink to the cpu before applying epoxy. And don't cover the heatsink with epoxy ;)
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