I am writing much less code for certain things in C++ than I would in Go...
I guess that sticking to traditional languages has its advantages. ;)

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    Because Go is stupid
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    Maybe because Go has no exceptions 😁
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    @Ubergeek Or generics. Or features in general
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    Honestly I love go. It forces you to write clean code.
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    @Techno-Wizard It certainly forces you to write quite a bit of code
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    @12bitfloat *maintainable* code. Not everything is about speed. There's a reason so many companies use it now.

    Docker, kubernetes, and spotify is all go, and I'm sure I'm missing a lot more.
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    @Techno-Wizard I wouldn't call error handling boilerplate or copy-pasted generic structures maintainable. I get the idea of less features = less things that can go wrong but I just feel like Go went a bit too far
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    Go definitely went too far, and I noticed that when trying to implement an image generator for @cr78. Just a word of warning, you will not have pleasant results with alpha to black calculations for images in Go, because the included image library somehow doesn't give two shits when drawing a semi-opaque picture over anything else and makes the semi-opaque picture completely opaque.
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    Current-day Go had made some slight adjustments that makes the above task less daunting.
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