
Internships in BLOCKCHAIN

Required skills at least five among:
C++, Java, Java Script, Python, Solidity, Simplicity, PHP, Ruby, Rust, GO, C#, CX, Rholang, Scilla, Vyper.

Why do they expect so much? 🙄

  • 5
    tbh I think because they search someone who is stupid enough to do the same work as everybody else but will be massively underpaid
  • 0
    Simple. While for example the Etherum blockchain deploys contracts written in Solidity, which is more or less JavaScript, others could potentially use another language.

    Now since they are looking for an intern, they are looking for some one, who probably doesn't know Solidity to well. This means they are looking for some one, that hasn't problems picking up a new language syntax, as well AS concepts of these languages.

    That being said. It's ridicilous expecting that from an intern, IMHO!
  • 1
    What is simplicity? :/
  • 2
    That space in between 'Java' and 'Script' triggers my OCD
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