I'm the kind of dev who is willing to overtime because I enjoy coding. But my previous boss (owner) abused this opportunity and thinks he can call me whenever he wants. After my shift, he would be surprise if I go home immediately and ask If I will be working at home. He even called me while I'm in vacation (he wants me to work on a new feature). I already filed my leave 3mos before that. He is very manipulative to the other devs and doesn't even trust his managers.

  • 5
    Good in you for leaving! I feel exactly like you, luckily my boss is actually against me working in my free time to keep me from burning out, instead of abusing it

    Hopefully you won't have to deal with another boss like that, perhaps it's an idea to work op side projects or open sourcr stuff in your free time?
  • 3
    Find some company that actually appreciates what you do, instead of thinking that you're just another spendable resource.
  • 5
    Thanks! I resigned after a month. I updated my linkedin account during that vacation and got invited for an interview. Fast forward, got a job offer, accepted it, great boss. I got a raise after 2 mos and learned many things both skillwise and ethics. Now I'm happily working and improving my skills and mindset.
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