
I'm in a midlife crisis.

TL;DR: Trying to make a living by teaching people how to code.

I've started a business in my local town where people can join to learn more about programming. Currently most events are free and everyone can join, I spend many hours creating these events and get little in return.

Many people have asked so how can you make money on this? My answer is by having 1-2 days of intensive workshops. The issue however is if I would have one of these, I'm 100% sure that nobody will attend, so for that reason my goal is to run these free events and get as many members as possible until I have some serious buyers that want to pay for the workshops.

I'm kinda stuck in the mud. Don't know where to start, or how to go with these workshops so I can get payed. It sounds like I only care about money, but that is not the case, I love to teach and want to make a living from it.

At this moment, it feels like I'm giving away free knowledge without getting anything back... But at the same time, I feel I must in order to gain some traffic/interest for my company.

I would love some feedback of what strategy works best, how can I go from free to payed, what would you do if you were in my shoes?

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    I think it's awesome what you try to achieve!

    See if there are not a similar type of organisations where you live. Here are some examples that we have in South Africa:
    - https://csfirst.withgoogle.com/s/...
    - https://girlcode.co.za/

    From my volunteer experience, we found by charging people a very small amount they are more vested in the event as they have now paid for it (eg R 10 is $0.65 US Dollar). This also encourages people to attend and just not come because it was free.

    In order for you to make a living is either by receiving donations or employed by another company.

    Which country do you live in?
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    @Nato Yeah, but the things they work with are not that related to the teaching I do. However, I could find a decent job here just be closer to students..
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    @Nato Sounds like a good plan. I'll try to contact local companies and see if they can support me.
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    @amatrelan Sounds like a great idea, I'll definitely try this out.
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