
Why in the fuck can't you transfer a domain name for 60 fucking days? This makes no sense. My dumbass purchased a domain from Google Domains and registered it with Google Sites. Now I just realized that Google Sites is useless as fuck. It's more useless than a plastic bag of dicks. The dust on my window seal serve more purpose on this planet than Google Sites. That's how useless Google Sites is. Now I want to switch to Square Space or host it myself but have to wait 60 fucking days.

I could just buy a new domain for 12 bucks but I had the perfect name. Fuck ICANN for their stupid idiotic pointless motherfucking policy. Fuck.

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    I have used Firebase DB and cloud functions for my Android/iOS apps and I was considering hosting my site on Firebase actually.
    I assumed that I wouldn't be able to connect my custom domain for 60 days but in fact I just tried it and I was able to do it. I'm so fucking happy. Thank you so much.
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