
I just cannot stop falling asleep today.

Fortunately I finished all of my important work last week, so all I have left is trivialities. But I would still prefer being awake and chipper!

  • 6
    Power metal?
  • 5
    Trivialities are the hardest things to stay awake throughout
  • 0
    Do you eat candy and drink coffee? In long term, they start to get the opposite effect.
  • 1
    @bartmr No. No candy for me, other than occasional dark chocolate. Almost no coffee either because yuck.
  • 1
    I have just the solution for that. Accidentally delete some important files from your project and cut your internet so that you dont have any access to source control... That will get the blood pumping.
  • 0
    @bradshaw15r I'd just go home.
  • 1
    I hear exercise gets the blood flowing and helps waking up, not that I ever do any 😁
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