So I tell my coworker how ticking noises of clocks can annoy me really bad. It is an OCD thing where I will not notice a clock, then I notice the ticking and it annoys the hell out of me.

He leaves the room after a while after turning on a fucking youtube video with 11 hours of ticking clock.

I am like, "You fucker..."

Then another guy we work with comes into the office and pretends like he is wondering what the ticking noise is.

I said, "Yeah right, he sent you in here to ask about didn't he?!" He was like "maybe..."

Anyway, that must mean I am part of the team now. They are screwing with me. All in good fun.

  • 6
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    no worries, happens everywhere

    i'm sometimes really badly annoyed by my colleagues talking, yet they won't shut up
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