I'm not sure where I'm going with this, but I'm fucking sick of my experience with the world.

I have a feeling that all that 1984 conspiracy type of ideas that I previously considered bullshit and fear mongering are real.

(Just to be clear, I'm not including most conspiracy theories which are very ignorant like flat earth, fake moon landing, or antivax, the people that spread those theories can die a horrible death IMHO).

Corporation consolidation is a fact and appears to become irreversible.

Because of technology, I can stay in the comfort of my house, safe from crime and be entertained without needing to have direct contact with humans.
People might say "that's your fault for not leaving the house". True but that is just how the world is.

The outside world in the cities I lived in is not a welcoming place.
Hell if you fucking find a bench it's a goddamn miracle, and if you do and sit for a long time, the police stares at you like you are up to something.

People don't talk to you because "don't talk to strangers".
It can be rare to find water or a bathroom that isn't a complete shithole.

So no wonder I rather stay at home, the outside world is hostile.

So yeah, go to a mall or something. And consume, consume, consume, because the outdoors suck.

Many pioneers thought technology was to improve the quality of life.

But no, it's just more isolation, less direct contact with people, less giving a fuck about other people.

And that's how feel about people of today. The least amount of fuck giving about others possible.

You would you would connect to more people faster, but no, the result is just millions of people browsing through the same "entertainment", shitty aggregated content.

Yes, consolidation affects internet too. Everything goes through fucking google, youtube, or whatever other fucking top 10 company.

Just like the class disparity, 1% of the things online get 99% of the exposure.

So if you're a small time anything, basically fuck you, because you're not something enormous.

Like, I wished I was a game developer, but there's thousands of brilliant indie games that get released every year, and they barely make what they're worth.
So why should I fucking try? So I can get ruined financially and I don't have a place to live in?

Software itself is so complex that is impossible to scrutinize decently.
We all laugh at congressmen asking the zuck silly questions.

Out of touch, true, but in hindsight, it is true to some extent that software is hard to regulate. Every software I on earth doesn't meet some standard one way or another.

Or maybe it's just too many of us right now.
When people scroll their search results to get access to the things they should be interested in, the only practical interface right now is being showing one link at a time.
But there's millions and millions of results.

One redeeming aspect of life is that one day I won't be alive anymore to observe the disgusting world we live in.

This could be just pure rambling and I can't prove any of the things I'm saying, I could just have been making the wrong friendships. So take this with a grain of salt.

  • 9
    Now THAT is a fucking rant.

    Tbh i tend to take the Lord of the Rings mentality: "what are we fighting for?" "That there's some good left in this world, and it's worth fighting for."

    A lotta people definitely have the same mentality as you, that life is too complicated and so why even bother, but maybe that's why we should bother. Maybe Disney does own half the economy; does that mean we should stop fighting and lay down and die? Most of the great thinkers in the past would say no; most if not all would agree that there is some higher purpose (before you idiots start talking about Nietzsche and Sartre, remember they said you have to create your own purpose, which is higher than no purpose technically).

    Probably one of the biggest issues is the deconstruction of meaning/value into personal preference, so that nothing can have intrinsic value. Most of the points you made can be categorized as extrinsic value statements. So maybe the reason we are losing our way is because...
  • 8
    ... We're being told to lose our way, because that's what makes you buy more stuff (stuff that has extrinsic value).

    Maybe what we really need is a return to values of old; honor, wisdom, and truth are all things that were considered to be intrinsically valuable, however these days you can't suggest that because it means that you stop buying weed and start vacuuming your house every week.

    I'm not saying this is the answer. Regardless of what the answer is, I'm sure it won't be easily won, and I'm doubly sure it is going to require a paradigm shift that will happen long after I've left this timeline, but i think that one thing I've found is that i want my future kids to grow to not have to struggle with the exact concepts you're describing.

    That's kinda what keeps me going: the future i give my kids. Not because of some weird evolutionary impulse, but because of something higher.

    Everyone's gotta find their poverbial kids. No one is going to give it to you.
  • 8
    Maybe a better analogy is dark souls: in dark souls you go hollow if you lose your purpose/goal.


    Solaire goes hollow when he finds his sun. Siegmeire goes hollow because he gets through the puzzles he's stuck on, but never on his own.

    You cant go hollow. You gotta keep striving. And maybe thats a bad answer because we all get discouraged, but its what's got me going right now.

    Much love and i hope you find your way.
  • 1
    I am sorry to inform you that you are correct.

    However, I am also slightly happy/hopeful to inform you that @arcsector above me is also correct.
  • 0
    We are simply humans that lives not-human lifes. We run continously every day for different reasons, and we must do it otherwise we're "off of the world", especially regarding our work. But who said we must live like that? You said right: consume, consume and consume. On the other side this mean: produce, produce and produce more! This cause us to live not human "life rythms", so we'are not fine with that and the only thing most people can do to go ahead with their lifes is let theirself beeing bombed by all the distractions we have now, and this in turn ask for more and more products. There's no time nor mental strength to grow as a human beeing: no values, no wisdom, just peoduce and distract yourself if you feel bad. But that's not science fault. Who manage science products? Who care about their real consequencies? ...
  • 1
    ... Our tencology grows faster than our ability to use it properly, it have always been like that for centuries and so it is now, but the more technology we have, the more this will be evident, until something will brake the wheel.
  • 1
    Befriend your computer...
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