Just asking a few questions about anyone's opinion, answer whatever you want:

Is self studying your own responsibility and if so, do you prioritize learning stuff you do at work? Do you share it with colleges?
What is your preferred way to study?

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    Self study is always your responsibility.

    What you learn at work is up to what the employer is willing to pay for.

    Share things that are relevant to the colleagues work.
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    Sharing actually improves your knowledge about it
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    Anyone who tells you that it is possible to be a professional developer, AND not study outside of work is probably lieing to you. Either that or they are a junior dev with no aspirations, who is stuck maintaining some ancient monolithic client server app...

    Yes, knowledge should be shared/discussed with anyone who will listen...

    As far as recommendations, I can't really give any without context.
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    @devTea "if you can't explain something in simple words, you don't really understand it"
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    My favourite ways to study are to either make something useful out of it or to tech someone. You'll be surprised how much do can do if you promised to teach Bob about the quantum Fourier transform or some shit on Monday
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    @Krokoklemme Yes, but to people who don't have a clue as to what I do or how I do it the explanation is often "I do magic shit on computers and stuff".
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    It is your responsibility ofc, no one else can learn for you

    I prioritize learning stuff that I enjoy or that might make my work easier and faster for my own benefits

    I share stuff I consider useful for them. If I know they are interested in this stuff or if I know they will benefit from it in their current or next tasks. I don't brag to people for no reason nor do I keep secrets to look better, we are a team

    My preferred way to study is demos and private projects. I usually have a sanbox project ready with environments and libraries setup for my most common uses. But if I don't then I'm ready to get down and dirty with new stuff as long as Im motivated. I don't really force-learn for the sake of learning, Im a pretty passionate programmer and I love every second of it
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