
Fucking hell. Today we reviewed candidates for a web dev position. I already fucking know that here we ain't gonna get a top motherfucker, i already know that the person selected will have to be rigorously trained AND THAT IS FUCKING FINE WITH ME.

The thing is, fucking head of the departmen was hellbent on just grabbing people with the highest education possible setting aside lack of experience. I would not have minded if it weren't because we have a secretary that applied...that got her degree in our very own institution and that has worked with our CMS admin creating web stuff. She is smart and has the drive man, and i don't even like her, but i could see her being in the position, being trained and doing good.

Hod said no, because of her lack of education and experience.....BRUH she got her associate's at OUR SCHOOL wtf do we have students go through it if we ain't gonna hire them if they intend on applying to work with us like wtf might as well advertise that: the degree provided by this institution is not good enough to work with us :D that would be 3000 for those two classes thank u.

Holy fuck i was beyond upset man, if i am to train these fuckers might as well be someone that i know will give it her all and studied with us. Dude quoted favoritism and i said that i was just going by the data that i have on her holy fuck.

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    Not only that. She has applied to networking before, she is cisco certified and has a networking degree as well but they said no to her for bullshit.
    She is also a single mother and this fucker knew it, he also knows that our secretaries are paid shit and she could have been given the opportunity based on her merits with the cms admin already holy fuck i am so pissed.
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    @m1sf3t ^^- that's a rant. It would still be hell of a eant without any of the swear words. "my batt is dead" <-- that's a statement :)

    @AleCx04 did she maybe refuse to do (no-)PJs party with your hod? Cuz he makes no sense..,
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    Good rant! What a fucker!
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    Makes a lot of sense to me. The hod wants to continue paying her as secretary, instead of junior web dev, while she continues to work as junior dev. It is any manager dream - low pay, high output.
    Talk to her, and she should gtfo of there as soon as possible.
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    fuck that shit with a splintered stick.

    that mentality is what gets a lot of fucktards with degrees into tech companies, as if it was a sure guarantee of a competent worker.
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    @netikras i think so man even on the candidates list. Some of them have extensive Django and or Spring MVC project experience and he said no because we use php and plain jsp(do judge us) on some legacy apps...like is this mfker serious)
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    @jesustricks exactly! I told him that some of them might very well be fucking lying out of their asses and if the wrong decision is taken then i would be training a lying fuck
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    @netikras I concur. A lot of devrants are devgripes. "I don't like javascript wah."

    @AleCx04 This is impressive considering that you could talk with the instructor about how the student performs and learn about how they perform. You also don't have to pay someone with lower education as much. Education is a terrible way to decide who gets a developer job.
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    If you feel bad for her. Write her a personal recommendation letter and that you, because of office politics, coulden't hire her.
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    @heyheni i already put myself in the situation in which I literally fought for her against the hod. We spend a good 15 mins discussing why I believe she is a good candidate. I can vouch for her being a hardworker, but she needs someone to vouch for development skills. She would have gotten that had i the opportunity to train her. I can't write her up for that since i could not and just stating that she is a hardworker would not do her good. She had those recommendations already man :(
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    People who hire on education alone should have to train and on board them, hold their hands and then clean out their desks.
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