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    If you're at a company then SourceTree

    Stay away from GitHub's client
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    VSCode's git integration is pretty decent
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    @Revenger We told our IT guys that we need GitKraken, so they bought us some licenses. I‘m not sure how I survived before with SourceTree.
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    @Revenger @heyheni I've never heard of Gitkraken before, I'll have to check it out!

    We use Sourcetree for the coding team and the Github Client for the artists (as it's a bit harder to break stuff with the Github Client)
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    @Duckfell I'm a designer myself and with gitkraken, I can explain the concept of git quite easily to my non coder designer colleges. And they understand it within 3 minutes.
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    @Duckfell gitkraken is the best. The best for public repos. Right now gitkraken get incisive with private repo use.
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    Git cli
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    @heyheni We've tried time and time again to teach a certain troublesome artist the proper git workflow but the only thing that's worked has been giving him the limited toolset of the github client haha
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    @rajj Was looking for this
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    Git through the CLI for me. I used to love gitkraken but since they demand an email address at the beginning, I'm out.
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    @ennerperez I pay for the individual subscription and have no issues with private repos :D

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    it is weird to ask "git client OR sourcetree" when sourcetree IS git client, also condition will allways be true
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    @MichaLueth you forgot the mandatory mention of "btw i use arch" 😉
    welcome to devRant
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    Intellij IDEA.! It is an IDE. But the VCS support in it is really awesome. I’m an iOS developer. But I use Intellij as a tool for my VCS not the one in Xcode. VCS tool in Xcode is a crap btw.
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    Terminal and sourcetree mixed. Sometimes the terminal is just faster when you are already in a terminal.
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    Hub + tig ❤❤
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