How can a requirements engineering professor not know about Gherkin? ︵‿︵(´ ͡༎ຶ ͜ʖ ͡༎ຶ `)︵‿︵

  • 1
    What's that?
  • 0
    About what .-.
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    Maybe he just knows it in another name. Pickles?
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    @HitWRight does not know it at all...
  • 2
    Cucumber/Gerkin is relatively new (2008). Profs who have been teaching for years probably never heard of it necause when they were still 'in the field', it did not exist yet.
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    @gathurian ye@flafi2000 that was a joke. It's a BDD thing. If I recall correctly used for defining tests in a language understandable from a business logic perspective.
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    yes, comp sci degrees don't teach every technology relevant of today, why would they do that?

    a lot of prog paradigms shed skin every 15 years, and comp sci degrees are very complex to design.

    if they tried to stay updated, chaos would reign.

    that's why comp sci degrees are better in terms of providing practical experience with langs that are older and have a more stable ecosystem like C or Java, but not much for the rest.
  • 1
    Maybe it wasn't in his requirements to know that 🤔
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