
My internet experience went to shit after disabling cookies. Fucking hell.

  • 1
    Any workaround?
  • 6
    Why disable all cookies? To evade trackers etc. blocking 3. Party cookies should be sufficient. Another approach would be to not disable cookies, but javascript altogether e.g. with Noscript and a handful of whitelistings.
  • 7
    Are you surprised?
  • 4
    @gathurian web 1.0 was fun, I heard 😂
  • 10
    “The internet sucks when I disable browser functionality that sites rely on.” BRUH.

    Probably the best way to go would be to get a plugin that blocks google tracking cookies.
  • 0
    @FelisPhasma yeah yeah gotcha fucker. But why should it become a total shit-all experience? (I am no expert in cookies.)
  • 0
    @gathurian Yep. Did just that. 👍
  • 1
    ABP + Disconnect = speedup, no tracking (for the most part)and no ads :)
  • 4
    @Cyanide Login cookies, site preferences, you name it.
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