
So once upon a time I had this dream while I was sleeping:
I was programming this videogame while I was inside of it.

It was something like VR where I had a tron-like world and I was the god in there, I was able to make and destroy anything as I pleased.

What I did was making a sort of challenge where you had to destroy someone else's kingdom by accessing it via FTP and then just destroy the useful files to kill defences and then become an actual king of that place.

Once awake I started thinking of making this whole thing into an actual game, but then I started reading the documentation for FTP connection in C# (I was thinking about using Unity) and literally stopped thinking about making it.

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    @EaZyCode if only I had some time to actually develop it, I totally would, I swear!

    Also, I dunno how to make 3D animations, manage models, manage destruction and whatever would make this game actually nice.

    I might be able to create hell lot of bugs, tho!
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