
Docker isn’t always the best solution...

  • 6
    Nothing is always the best solution. Docker is not responsible for being used the wrong way.
  • 3
    Mind letting us know thr arguments?
  • 2
    Docker is at least sometimes a better solution than the thing that came before it. The way we're using docker at my current place isn't 100% perfect, but I'd say it's at least 90% where our previous solution was more like 20%. Do you want to stop vagueblogging and explain what parts of Docker you don't like, or...?
  • 1
    I like how people are getting a bit offended by someone's subjective point of view on Docker.
  • 3
    @P4nda It's less being offended and more being confused. This is the devrant equivalent of posting on MySpace that nobody cares about you uwu. Nobody knows what OP means, and it feels like OP intentionally set it up so that nobody would know what he meant as a cry for attention.
  • 1
    I'm a little confused because nobody has stated what the problem is. How can anyone know if Docker is the best solution without knowing the problem?
  • 4
    Yepp, I agree. It turns out it's easier to slice bacon with a knife than a container
  • 2
    To clear things up. Docker can be great.
    But when I have a project at work (I’m in control of all UI/UX and building and deployment of all front end applications) and the team wanna use nginx containers for Angular applications. I want to use Firebase hosting as we’re already using the RTD and Storage of Firebase. It’s 3 mins work to get hosting setup.

    They want to start using Ansible/Docker and this complex architecture for everything including the front end. (App we’re building is about 20 micro services and 1 front end)

    I get using docker for the micro services, I completely do. But leave the front end stuff to me.
  • 1
    @FrodoSwaggins can you elaborate please?
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