
I'm all for diversity and all, and in fact, I am from an underrepresented race in tech. But what I don't get is; do companies really need to "lower the bar" so they can hire underrepresented people? Doesn't that mean they weren't qualified in the first place?

I've seen a lot of job ads and I've always scrolled past when I realized that I wasn't a good fit.

Why the fuck do some underrepresented people in tech take it like it's their right for bars to be lowered for them?

  • 11
    Simple reason. There's money on the table, and it takes ten years plus a lot of devotion to become a master at anything. However, it takes just a second to cry "look, I'm black, female and lesbian, now gimme the money".

    Nah, only one of these items alone isn't sufficient anymore. The race for the victim olympics has already seen to that. Sorry Ms. Whitey, you're out of luck, you aren't "diverse" enough anymore.

    In the long run, this shit will of course collapse because companies that don't lower the bar will enjoy an increasing advantage over their communist infected counterparts. "Get woke, go broke", that's the proverb.
  • 2
    There are a lot of people that believe that diversity of skin color or gender have such a positive impact on the workplace that said diversity is more important than things like experience or skill. Those people are idiots. You will encounter many idiots and their incredibly stupid ideas during your career. Some of those idiots are lovely people, but they will still cost you your job at least once and probably more. So don't suffer them, and question their stupid notions so that everyone can see how stupid they really are. Also, be nice about it. Otherwise they will hunker down like cornered rats.
  • 1
    One question I've never heard a good answer for from the people advocating for "diversity" is what the end result should look like. Take Google as an example: they have a nice demographic breakdown on their diversity site which, apart from their executive level, matches the demographics in the county their headquarters is located to within a percentage point or so, across both tech and non-tech job types. Now, I can't easily determine the distribution within those categories, but broadly speaking, Google looks like the world right next to them. (The number of direct Google employees outside of Silicon Valley is very low, so the numbers don't skew very much.)

    Should Google try to look less like the place they're located in the name of "more diversity?" I've never heard anyone talk about this angle of things in any public discourse anywhere. (I freely admit that I am incapable of perfect knowledge.)
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    If you see any of those "underrepresented people in tech" who "take it like it's their right for bars to be lowered for them" why don't you, like, ask them?

    Like rather than going on forums and having people wank themselves to death with assumptions do some research
  • 1
    @inaba yeah, then people like you would file a complaint to money sink HR for his “bigotry”
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    because "Social Justice" .
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    @aviophile so that thing I said about forums and assumptions lmao
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