
How do you guys deal with work that doesnt really care about what you do?
I mean everyday i come to work i make my own schedule and think of things to do, then do them and at the end of the day noone really cares.

I’ve created a huge inhouse analysis tool and that was my job for a long while untill the project was mostly done. Now it feels like i just go to work to sit there for the hours and collect the paycheck, i watch youtube for half of the day and noone cares. Noone really knows what i do there. I feel like shit because i need to fight with myself everyday that i didnt finish something, but noone besides me really even knows of what i do though. I work alone and I think thats a big part of it. What should I do?

  • 2
    I'm with @sudocode

    Might aswell learn something new while they are paying for it 😉
  • 7
    The way I see it the pros of your situation are:

    + works alone

    + self-managed

    and the cons are:

    - sounds like you also don't care about the what you do -or- you care, but not enough work

    Either self-contain yourself and bring your projects to work and keep busy. Or if you don't think that's the way you would like to go, then I guess you are looking for a job that has teams and enough work for them.
  • 1
    I had some free time at work for some time, once. It was a great opportunity. I just studied a lot and created tools to help others at the company.

    I really miss those days. :)

    Now I am complete stressed, full of work, making extra hours on things that doesn't grip me grow personally. Just rush regular project management. I don't even have time to study anything on my free time, because I so not have free time anymore.

    What I want to say is: enjoy while you can. It is a great opportunity to you and to your coworkers.
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