Is it justified to be angry at websites that break because of extensions like Ghostery or uBlock Origin?

'Cause I fucking hate it when their fucking website breaks because I don't want to have trackers on my pc

  • 6
    It's either done intentionally, or it's absolutely shit code. Trackers or not, it's most definitely deserving of your ire.
  • 5
    If you have cosmetic filters on, then yea things are going to break in some sites.

    If it breaks due to a tracker issue then that's on them for not implementing a backup process.
  • 2
    If the creator/maintainer's main source of income is ads, you use the site regularly and don't donate then no. In this case you get to have the site in exchange for your privacy, and it's everyone's fault that this kind of service is profitable.
    In every other case fuck them.
  • 3
    @Lor-inc They can offer me a way to actually pay for the service I use/enjoy or they can fuck off.
  • 2
    @Lor-inc AdNauseam helps with exactly that problem by "clicking" all ads in the background, but still hiding them like uBlock does.
    I think that's a fair trade.
  • 2
    @PrivateGER I like this solution especially because it directly harms the advertiser, the one who collects the data.
  • 2
    @Lor-inc AdNauseam even shows an estimate of how much money you've wasted already. ^^
  • 0
    I will consider sdnausem! Seems fun to fuck with the advertisers
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