
People that use their phone on speaker (and have it set loudly) in public are a special breed of jackass

  • 15
    Also, the further away the one on the other end is, the louder they have to shout into the phone. Cavemen in the 21st century.
  • 6
    They are the kind of monsters that even the likes of Lovecraft couldn't imagine
  • 2
    The only worse people are the ones that put the twisty ties back on the loaf of bread after opening it.
  • 0
    @BobbyTables twist ties are still a thing?
  • 1
    Tell them so, it is your duty to humankind! I try to do my bit :)
  • 1
    One of our new devs does this. I've tried to politely explain the courtesy of headphones yet he persists...
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