
does anybody know where the change password button is on this site

  • 0
    Just create a new account 🤷‍♂️

    (Kidding, I don't know where)
  • 3
    Probably beneath the login, like on every other fucking website...
  • 2
    yup, checked everywhere. the only option is to click "forgot my password"
  • 3
    @redflux "forgot password" and "change password" do the same thing under the hood, so just use that. (Yes, it's kinda annoying to not have that labeled properly in the settings, but oh well)
  • 4
    @torbuntu since this is DEVrant, I expect the users to find a workaround if there's no option ;)
  • 3
    Logout -> forgot password
    There is no change password once logged in.
  • 1
    @sboesch Well it's still bad UX, even if it is DEVrant, don't have to be an ass about it.
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