
Refreshing the Let's Encrypt certificates, one of them wasn't applying properly.. couldn't find the issue for like 15 minutes...

Eventually I realized that I was refreshing the wrong domain 😅

  • 5
    It's really nice now, if you've used certbot and your site is internet-facing, that certbot will automatically update your certs.
  • 2
    @bahua doesnt any le client is able to do it?
  • 2

    Oh, maybe? I wasn't aware of any other LE automation.
  • 2
    Oh, thanks for reminding me.
    Guess I know what Monday morning consists of doing now, have a few sites to renew.

    Sometimes I wish it was longer then 90 days as auto refresh isn't possible due to firewall rules held outside of the server.
  • 1
    The only thing I always run into is when there's a redirection from http to https and I didn't exclude .well-known/.. from that damn rule xD
  • 0
    Check for AAAA records in the DNS zone
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