Ranters in the US, do y'all want to try to organize a meetup? I'll be visiting the US in a while (hopefully, that is), so not anytime soon, but maybe we can at least form a group and discuss possible opportunities.

  • 2
    Tagging the folks that I know are from there: @AleCx04 @Stuxnet @Root @IAmNaN
  • 8
    You do realize the US is pretty big, right? 😅

    Where are you visiting?
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  • 2
    Where are you visiting?
  • 5
    That’s location-ist
  • 3
    Would depend on what part lol
  • 5
    I would be more than down and honored my friend! but it greatly depends on the location :P each state is the size of a small country :P
  • 2
    Does reading https://jstor.org/stable/27773805/ make me eligble?

    I'd love to meet you all but I can't
  • 4
    @cmarshall10450 says "Aw shit man, sorry, but imma be taking a shower that year"
  • 2
    What part of the US? If it's a six-day drive away then I'm definitely not going lol.
  • 1
    US here too lol
  • 2
    @Root @AleCx04 @EmberQuill @Stuxnet I'm quite aware that it's a huge country, it reflects very prominently on my flight tickets :p

    I meant to ask if people would be in for more localised meetups (and not just ones involving me), say, for eg, a Philadelphia meet-up, and if there's some dev event or something which folks from nearby areas would be interested in attending then it could be turned into a larger scale meet-up.

    I'll be in Pennsylvania for a year and a half, and over that time (and hopefully later too) I plan to go around quite a bit, it's a country that I've very much wanted to see (also, friends), so it'd be nice to actually have people to meet as well. I know it's a bit of a stretch goal but eh, whatever. Anyway, that's my reason for asking, if this also leads to other localised meet-ups then why not.

    @AleCx04 I have major places in NY, Michigan, North Carolina, Texas, Colorado, Arizona, and California on my list for sure, so we'll probably get to meet eventually :p
  • 1
    @RememberMe That would be absolutely fantastic man! whenever the chance occurs let us cinnect via telegram so that we can exchange the necessary info and meet up! Hopefully you get close to Austin/San Antonio area(closes major cities to me) amd we can meet up :D i would happily buy you a beer(or coffee, whatever you dig the most)
  • 1
    Depending on location and what’s going on, that would be great.
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