So My Employer want me to create an app like spotify+Baidu+Alipay for IOS and Android, and he want the app in the production in two days.

ouch! my health :(

  • 17
    Time to give your employer a firm fuck you.
  • 2
    @compSci honestly you sounded like my friend, after told him about my situation.
  • 6
    Get a new employer.
  • 3
    @Jilano I did & and My assistant did and we did. He said :" It is easy , in China they made it apps in one hour. dont give me ****"
  • 1
    @Jilano I told him We need 6 months for a complete Apps for the production.
  • 0
    @Maer I got that thought. Unfortunately, I learn my skill from Books, I am a high school graduate. It is difficult to get a job in here (I live in Malaysia).

    Maybe it is good idea to get a new career. See who is hiring.
  • 3
    Are they aware that just the project setup for each platform might take days?
  • 15
    @johnmelodyme 😂

    Tell him to build you a house in six minutes. Seven if he hasn't worked with wood before.
  • 4
    @johnmelodyme @Root explain that in China, they construct a house in a few hours. He can do it too!
  • 4
    @brunofontes If by "house" you mean "cardboard box" or "shipping container with a mattress," then sure.
  • 0
    @Root still takes them a month to actually "deploy" it after putting it together 😂 lol
  • 0
    You can't even get it released in that time let alone code it haha
  • 0
    Yeah tell them to fuck off
  • 0
    @kamen for me it takes months I explained to him but...
  • 1
    @brunofontes I will get fired. Hahah
  • 1
    @johnmelodyme Hahaha it was just a joke. It would be better to quit instead of saying that.
  • 0
    @jennytengsonM and google takes a week in my country.
  • 0
    T-pose to exert dominance.
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