I was recently playing max payne 2 on my pc when this colleague of mine comes up and boasts "You playing max payne now?? I have completed this game so many times, even in the hard mode. Which mode are you playing in" (I was playing easy -.- )

But then it struck me. how cool it would have been, if we had a chance to take a decision at some point of our life , to continue the next phase in easy medium or hard mode. The harder the mode, the bigger the prize, but its not that you are suffering by the consequences of taking easy mode.

Like take college for example. Instead of companies deciding the quality of a candidate based on popularity of their college, they would take based on the mode of education they took for various subjects.
- The education mode system would be something like this: at the end of 6 month an exam will happen as usual
- the easy mode of exam will have just the lighter , more basic syllabus and lenient checking .
- the medium mode will have slightly more research based questions from the a more standard version of the previous syllabus and unbiased checking .

- the hard mode will have deep knowledge requirement professional questions and strict checking.

- students willing to dedicate heavy time to their choice of subject will then have better opportunities at big companies, making a fair ground for all.

- student more focused on non academic/ specific topics could take easy mode for most of the subjects, and focus on the career of their choice. They will still have a backup to apply for jobs requiring knowledge of certain subjects , but for lower wages( since they took the easy mode for those subjects they would be learning the required knowledge in the company, working as proxys/junior devs)

what do you think?

  • 4
    Most of what I know and do today was learned on my own. I don't need a busted education system dictating how high I can go. We already have that now and people are gaming the system. It would only be worse of the consequences are worse. Also companies do look at transcripts. They can tell if someone coasted through their degree. They can also tell if someone is a bad worker by asking previous employers.
  • 2
    Education is oppressive tool to enslave and indoctrinate people to not obey rules made by deviated psychopaths trying to control freedom of people’s actions and kill their dreams.
  • 4
    New game: as hard as it can go.
    This is my default setting.

    Education is always on easy mode, but when you get out, you jump up to hard mode and pray you know what you are doing.
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