
Does anyone just feel tired, in general? Like the boss is (usually) alright. I like the work and I am good at it. Maybe I'm not feeling challenged enough? Honestly, I'm not sure. In the last retro, I was an 8.5/10 on the happiness index, now I'm a 4...wtf

  • 5
    Happiness index?

    And yea, always tired. But high levels of responsibility and having to context switch between many systems will do that.
  • 0
    @C0D4 yeah. That's a thing we have to see how generally happy each person is in the team
  • 4
    I’m personally always tired unless my task requires independent learning of an interesting topic or technology I haven’t experimented with yet or never got far into

    So in my opinion it probably is the lack of challenge leading to your tiredness
  • 0

    Average seems to be 6.9
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