
Looking at the one star reviews when buying new tech is pretty telling.

If you struggle to string sentences together, it's no wonder you can't get shit to work.

  • 1
    Reading reviews in general is pretty hilarious

    5* - Worst app I've ever used
    1* - this app is amazing and I use it daily

    3* - new feature sucks and I hate it
  • 1
    There are several things that I have purchased despite having a lower average review score because it was clear that the reviewers were having problems caused by their own ignorance. I've gotten good use out of all of them.
  • 2
    @Stuxnet my favorites go along the lines of...

    I LOVE this app and use it every day without complaints or issues, but the new logo is ugly 1/5
  • 2
    ✴*️⃣*️⃣*️⃣*️⃣ I don't want the app
    ✴*️⃣*️⃣*️⃣*️⃣ Love it but color should be green
    ✴*️⃣*️⃣*️⃣*️⃣ Love it but I know q star reviewa are at the top and O want people to read this
    ✴*️⃣*️⃣*️⃣*️⃣ dd
    ✴✴✴✴✴ yes
    ✴✴✴✴✴ I hate iremove from my phone, my friend is lawyer I will sue you if you dont get app from phone!
    ✴*️⃣*️⃣*️⃣*️⃣ no
  • 0
    Computer arrived 3 days late - worst computer ever.
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