
Why the hell should the webapp works on fuckin ie11?! Move on mother fuckers!

  • 1
    Maybe Microsoft has an insentive but I would prefer to change all implementations of browsers and the standards so that of browser specific constraints would not exist at all.
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    @p100sch yea agree

    @odite the webapp is only a warehouse management for a marketplace, can't they just use Edge?
  • 1
    @volttide if its for some internal use, yes you could most likely get by with edge.

    For any customer use IE11 unfortunately still is a thing, a bad one but.

    And marketing is usually very touchy when it comes to exclude “customers”.
  • 2
    Graceful degradation? If it doesn't have to have all the latest bling bling, functional usability shouldn't be much of a problem, should it?
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    @Fast-Nop I was thinking the ssme thing
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    I believe 50% of people in china still use ie if i recall a colleague, just depends on geography i suppose :p
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    Hopefully with the lack of support for Windows 7, IE will be mostly gone
  • 0
    Would server-side rendering be something to use in this situation?

    Backwards compatibility is its own special sort of hell.
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