
Is anyone microdosing psilocybin mushrooms to increase creativity and productivity?

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    Asagb Rogan
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    No, why should I do that. Sometimes I smoke some weed, but that's more to lower skills than improve...
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    I vape a little weed to not give a fuck.
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    @blubberfish people say it makes you a better coder
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    I would like to do it. They are on the brink of legalizing pot in nz. Probably mushrooms might be next.

    I do think it helps. There is a strong theory on how the brain doubled in size in such a small time that it is the part of the human body that evolved faster than any part in record time. That was registered between the time where fauna and changed quickly and apes at the time had less trees and more high grass. Making them an easier target to predators.

    Terrence mckenna and his brother have a strong argumentation for this theory and imho it makes a lot of sense.
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    @asagb Any experience? Really having no comparison by myself
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    @24th-Dragon let@blubberfish @blubberfish I've had mushrooms before but not micro dosage and not for the purpose of improving my coding.
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    @M1sf3t yes but micro dose is probably less than what you would use for tea.
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    @asagb and did you get more creative taking mushrooms?
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    @blubberfish it gives you a very different perspective than anything else, weed etc and also a warm sense of peace, but I've never tried to apply into anything creative. I did take mushrooms once before playing a 10 man poker tournament and I won. During the game I felt almost spider sense and was so tuned in to the point that I knew what cards people had.
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    @asagb sounds interesting... I know the getting a different perspective from smoking weed. Thats great to have once in a year a different look at your life.
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    Cocaine makes me feel productive
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