Lmao who does ths

  • 38
    Well that escalated quickly
  • 36
    Well you can't just quit from one day to another, given you signed the contract that says so
  • 12
    Not everywhere requires such a contract. Often the only backlash a person faces from leaving without notice is a fee for drug testing, etc. Which is automatically deducted from your pay.
  • 8
    @Kimmax I can even quit this whole world from one day to another just like that. I guess my employer would find the contractual three months (!) notice period not to be a replacement for proper backup planning in that case.
  • 6
    Not a rant but alright
  • 3
    I too have 3 months notice period. Where as the people in the same company in American branch just have 2 weeks notice period. That too they cannot join any other company in that period, where as we have to slog for 3 months.

    I understand 3 months if it was allocated for knowledge transfer. But during the time people are given new project.

    God bless
  • 5
    If they are not required to give you a two weeks notice before letting you go, than you are not required to give them shit. Fuck em, it's a courtesy these days anyway.
  • 1
    @sak96 It's more a sign that the company has understood "hire and fire" isn't a good idea for jobs with specific domain knowledge.

    @Nanos Cannot-compete-clauses are invalid in most countries anyway UNLESS the company is willing to pay you for two years of leisure.
  • 1
    Still why is it that people from us get a off?
    And they do stuffs which require KT. And I can confirm that any project may need at maximum of 2 months of KT. And infact the last three months of some people was doing a new project and not KTs. That is bad thing nectar people who get on boarded are never fully equipped.
  • 1
    @sak96 My guess is because US managers havn't understood the difference between unskilled and skilled labour. They themselves can jump in pretty directly into any company and ruin it, so why shouldn't others be able, too?
  • 2
    @Nanos Or you don't know the exact laws of your country, which is what companies rely on when they put such crap into the contracts.

    You can put a lot into contracts, but that doesn't mean it will hold water in court.
  • 1
    Here it usually is 3 mo. And, if the contract doesn’t specify anything, then the law regulates it to 1 mo. It work both ways (resigning or fired). I think it’s great for both parties! Also, those who are hiring doesn’t really expect a new employee to start before 3-4 mo, as that’s the normal time for anyone that’s not unemployed when they get hired.
  • 2
    @ZoRaC Except crappy companies who need a dev like ASAP RIGHT NOW OMG because they have no resource planning and total chaos.

    When applying for a new job without having been fired, these chaos companies filter themselves away automatically, which is quite nice.
  • 2
    @Nanos In such an environment, contracts are not worth anything because you can't enforce shit while they can enforce whatever they want. That's not a contract, that's serfdom.
  • 2
    Wtf is this shit?
    Who makes up the roles for you not to be able to work when you leave your job? I understand the notice period. But not being able to work somewhere during that time is just unacceptable.
  • 2
    @-ANGRY-STUDENT- generally this is more that you can't work for a competitor or do the same job at another company. I'm a web developer at an advertising agency, our paperwork states that I can't work for another agency withing 50 miles for 2 years after I resign from my position. Of course that won't hold up in court, but it scares enough people into sticking it out even if they hate their employer/coworkers.
  • 0
    i think i get a free pass for the 1 time i did it at mcdonalds
  • 0
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