
Men and Women Communication

Communication is an essential part of any human relationship. The level of communication between men and women differs significantly due to their gender differences. From the early age girls and boys demonstrate differences in their behavior which becomes a reason for various communicational approaches. Men and women hold out these differences in mature age. These variations can affect the relationship between two genders, especially in marriage. Ironically, most of the American men are more talkative in public, while they do not talk much at home. This fact has become a reason of havoc in a marriage. The difference in the conversational habits identifies misunderstanding between men and women.

Crooks and Baur argue that most of the women consider a lack of communication as the main cause of divorce. However, only few men support this idea. Failed conversations between men and women do not make their relationships stronger. A great number of married women complain that they lack conversations with their husbands, because they do not talk or listen to them. This reason is more important for women than the other ones, such as cooking, cleaning, and other casual life-support work. The research asserts that most men do not talk to their wives, and instead they prefer to watch TV, search the Internet, play computer games or read a newspaper. Thus, men use a couple of sentences while talking to their wives. It seems that they talk more to their female colleagues than to their counterparts at home.

As for the listening skills, male and female peculiarities also work differently. Naturally, men are used to solving problems, and they listen just to understand how they can manage the situation. In conversation, women are more emotional and like a lot of details. On the contrary, men are not interested in details, they prefer facts. This makes them come faster to the solutions than women. Women like switching topics from one to another. It is another reason why men do not listen to them. Unlike men, women like to talk about the feelings that are very important to them. Men’s indifference toward women’s conversation creates an imbalance between them and leads to divorce.

Tannen assumes that both men’s and women’s conversation habits are frustrating to each other. Men prefer silent attention when speaking, while women like overlap and anticipate what others will say. Most men lack women’s attention in conversation. When women talk to each other, they realize support. It goes differently with men, because they like to use anti arguments, which makes women mad. Instead of receiving expected support, they suffer from frustration. This behavior often becomes a reason for divorce. Women need a friendly relationship in their marriage, while men are often busy. Lack of communication leads to the lack of love and intimacy. As a result, married couples cannot live together and are forced to divorce. Both men and women recognize that lack of understanding in communication ruins their relationship.

Women like long conversations full of memories and emotions. Men, unlike women, prefer an agonistic format, e.g. they turn their conversation into a debate or a challenging competition. Their conversation style irritates women and leads to the imbalance in their relationship. As a result, both women and men feel a failure of their intimacy. However, many married couples who try to adapt to each other and understand the importance of conversation can strengthen their relationship. Married couples who want to find understanding with each other should comprehend that the ways in which men and women communicate differ because of gender differences, which are natural.

The essay was written by the professional writer from https://papers-land.com/ - Betty Bilton.

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