
What books do you guys recommend?
So far I read:
1. The Clean Architecture
2. Microservices Architecture (50% done, should be done in a week or two max)

I'm thinking of reading next:
Domain Driven Development

What do you think?

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    Countdown to Zero Day: Stuxnet and the Launch of the World's First Digital Weapon lol

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    @Stuxnet nice intro to a pin lol
    Well I'm looking for books that helps in architecture, I find it to be my point of weakness unfortunately when it comes to large systems
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    @gitpush oh I was just joking.

    It's a good book but it's not for everyone. Ik I'm not a good enough subject for you 😭😂
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    @Stuxnet loool no worries man any suggestion would be great :D
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    Refactoring (Martin Fowler's)

    Classics - Art Of Computer Programming, The Unix Philosophy, GoF Design Patterns
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    Stephen hawking’s Brief History Of Time 😀
    It’s not dev-releated but i really like it.
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    Id say Clean Code is also a must read
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    Head first design patterns - a way more readable book than GoF's design patterns :)

    Also 📌
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    The book you want to read depends on your role. I don’t think mobile developers would care about „Continuous Delivery” by Humble&Farley, but it’s a good read for DevOps/backend.
    A good career advices can be found in „Beeing Geek” by Michael Loop.
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