What is it called when you are out traveling in the weekend, but just want to to sit at home and code? Experiencing this right now

  • 6
    It's called stop letting coding control your life and enjoy the time you have off.
  • 3
    It's called stop letting traveling control your coding and enjoy the life you have home.
  • 2
    So what is it you like exactly ?
    Coding (as in the mechanical act of typing characters on a computer) or thinking ?
    Because they're not equivalent.
    If you really like problem solving/thinking, you neither need to be at home nor need your computer. You can think it all through and when you're at your computer, start shelling out code to achieve what you already thought about.
    On the other hand, if you NEED your computer to think, well then there's a deeper problem.
  • 1
    It's called stop letting enjoyment control your life and use the time to kill yourself.
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