
Got into a fight with a teammate last week (acting PM, she was) over how she basically failed to do her job.
Got blamed for talking about it by project owner. (basically, they wanted to make themselves feel good by passing down the blame down the blame chain... But I rebelled)

... Don't want to walk into the same meeting tomorrow. 😢😔😞

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    Similar thing happened to me last week. Guy wanted to make it look like I was lying or not doing my job. I could have handled it better. I apologized later for the reaction, tho my points still stand.

    It'll be a bit tense at first, but you'll be fine.
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    @ODXT not even gonna apologize. That's the difference here. Plus, now I'm aware of how incompetent the team leads are, so it makes it harder not to roll my eyes at everything.
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    This is great and all that and good job on being a rebel. But I also think you should smooth out things with the acting PM by giving her the D. See if it sorts things out?
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    @hatemyjob can't for two reasons :1) I don't have the tools 😛 and 2)I don't like her physically so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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    @NoMad Gosh darn it. 1 is okay but can’t really do anything about number 2 unless you throw in a paper bag to do the good old cover the face trick but we’re drifting off too far.
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    Typical management by finger pointing. It should never be about who is to blame. It should be about what the result is, why it happened and how it can be avoided in the future.
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    @krz1 how can it be avoided means actually finding out whose job it was and why didn't they know/ do it. 😛 It may not be about blame, but it definitely is about who should've done it.
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    @NoMad Don't look back. What should that person do in the future and how can you make sure it is done?
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