Seriously, can we just all agree and fuck Epic Games? And also their shitty EAC. RIP Rocket League on Linux. What's next? Oh wait...there is almost nothing left...

The best thing how they act like their retarded Store is better than Steam. You can suck my dick idiots.

  • 1
    It's fucking horrible, crappy layout too imo.
  • 2
    Fuck Epic Games!
  • 3
    No comments, no community, no reviews and scores. Together with lower commissions and epic bucks for exclusives sounds like a great place for scummy executives and broke indy devs to unload theire games onto.
  • 1
    If sales on Linux don't pay for the effort of targeting Linux, it's a normal decision to stop supporting Linux.

    /Agree for thier shity store
  • 1

    Rocket League supported Linux for FOUR AND A HALF YEARS.
  • 2
    @kescherRant Yeah and right after they got acquired by Epic, Linux (forgot to mention also macOS) support gets dropped...
  • 0

    Dropping support for a platform still sucks. Also, it's certainly not unfeasible to support it. Be it for some good rep. It's not like Psyonix made losses.
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